Welcome to the
of Herrick
Come and join us as we preach and teach the Word of God so that we can have a better understanding of God's will in our life. Also so that we can grow in our relationship and our love of God as we better understand His love for us.
This is one of the toughest topics for most ministers to preach on since it can be viewed as self-serving. You hear it, or maybe you have said it before, "All the church wants is your money." For some churches unfortunately that might be true, but I hope that is the exception to the rule. The truth is we want your salvation and not only yours, but everyone that will listen to the Word of God. Unfortunately, that does take money to accomplish that in many ways. Bottomline is that your offers, while they may benefit the church, honor God as a show of your faith and love offering to Him. So, I hope you will join us either here at the church in person or online if you cannot make it to join us.
I hope you take the time to come on out and join us at 9:00 am for our traditional service or at 11:00 am for our contemporary service. We would love to have you join us.
Here is the link to our podcasts.